Robin Malmasson | Vitality in Everyday Life - Mind Over Matter #43 (IO)

To put it simply, Robin is a man to admire. He's currently living out in France, born and raised, and killing it as a holistic health practitioner. He recently joined Irrational Optimist and since he has brought nothing but FACTS to the chat within the IO Discord. His current mission in life is to "Make Vitality Normal Again".
Thanks for coming on the show and sharing your story, Robin. It's an honor to call you one of our guests.
Robin's Links can be found on our website:
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Trevor's Discord Name (Add as a Friend): MoM Trevor#1945

Robin Malmasson
Holistic health practitioner
My mission: make vitality normal again
I look at the human being holistically to figure out what might be preventing you from reaching your full potential
I fundamentally believe that life is happening FOR us and that symptoms are simply the body telling us where we are out of balance
Learning to navigate health is learning to navigate life, which is how you can manifest your divine purpose