April 22, 2024

The Lonely Life of Leadership and Spirituality - Mind Over Matter #68

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Saving 22

Another BANGER of an episode. I went on Steven's podcast "The Ascension Show" and we had an incredible convo (https://open.spotify.com/episode/0HFCVr5CSCm9vvwPCftsyi?si=GtIiN8lYSLSFsIZPQl_vmw) so it was only natural to get him on my pod and talk deeper.

We talked about spirituality, religion, leadership, loneliness, losing friends, entrepreneurship and so much more. Steven shook me with his knowledge and awareness at age 21.

I truly hope y'all enjoy!

Steven's Website: https://hoo.be/pena-whalen

Steven's Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stevenpenawhalen?igsh=MWF0c2tzdjdneWE3NQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

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Steven Pena-Whalen

Entrepreneur & health aficionado

I make motivational videos on instagram, I host a podcast, I own a superfoods business, I train jiu jitsu and i play the guitar. On a nice day you’ll find me at the beach soaking up the sun or surfing the waves. I used to be an insecure, unhealthy & skinny giving in to bad habits. Now I’m the happiest I could with myself and what I do!