How To Stop Worrying About Everything - Even in a Coma | Mind Over Matter #50

It's no secret that life sucks sometimes. We find ourselves in dark places, and often can't see a way out. If you deal with anxiety like us, you'll usually worry about everything. We had Justin on to help us with this. His story has too many ups and downs to count, but his main lesson is simple - Trust God. Any God will do for this, but knowing a higher power has your back is a life hack for anxiety. In times of uncertainty, remember: Everything will happen when it's meant to". Many thanks to Justin for coming on, and make sure to check out his links below!Justin's Website: https://www.valuedbusinessservices.comFacebook: US A REVIEW: Apple:
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Justin Kliewer
Merchant Service Regional Account manager
Born and raised in a Christian home. Tried the world out only to come back to Jesus. Here to share my testimony