How Religion Applies to Your Everyday Life - Mind Over Matter Podcast #35

This episode we had on Jordan. Jordan has been my go-to guy on Twitter when it comes to religion, so I figured I would extend an invitation to him for an episode. He has helped construct our discord tremendously and we couldn't be more grateful. We apologize for the audio and video quality, we are currently working on fixing that issue. Which means... We're STREAMING SOON TOO. Stream times will be posted each week in our newsletter, join here: As always, thank you for your support!
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Trevor's Discord Name (Add as a Friend): MoM Trevor#1945

Jordan Morley
Absolute Legend
25, 2 Kids, Married 3 years, Visited 30 Countries, Aggressively Conservative, Tend to Offend, Ridiculously Christian, Homeschooling, Hope to Homestead. Rigid on Traditions.