H.O.P.E. w/ author Richard Mabe - Mind Over Matter #65

Richard Mabe lost his father at a young age to suicide, then later on he killed someone else in an automobile accident at 17, afterward he joined the Navy. His book "H.O.P.E. strives to help others through the struggles of life with a simple breakdown: Honesty, Omnipotence, Pure Love, and Essence. Through this essence navigation guide, Richard has helped me, and many others.
I truly enjoyed recording this episode with him, and he will definitely be back for another round.
Enjoy the show, Trevor
Hononguard Coffee Co - https://honorguardcoffee.com/
Honorguard Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/honorguard_coffee/
Episode with the Owner of Honorguard - https://youtu.be/6rIQEVfl6vE
Hope Institute: https://www.thehopeinstitute.net/
We Care Partnership: https://wecare-partnerships.com/
Transcending Ego: https://www.amazon.com/Transcending-Ego-Eckhart-Tolle-audiobook/dp/B0068ZSYZO?ref_=nav_signin
My Nexus Rewards: https://www.mynexusrewards.com/
Make Wealth Real: https://www.mwrfinancial.com/
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ut5J6deKau0lODRsiS8iN
Website: https://www.endsuicide.us/reviews/new/
Contact: Email: mindovermatterw@gmail.com
1:45 - Rick's Story + Testimony
14:00 - Suppressing Your Purpose
20:00 - Financial Freedom
27:00 - Navy Background
33:00 - Ego & Affirmations
45:00 - Created by Something
57:00 - Born Inherently Good or Evil?
1:06:30 - Vulnerability & Women
1:12:00 - People Struggling Right Now
1:28:00 - Rick's Goal
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Trevor's Discord Name (Add as a Friend): MoM Trevor#1945

Richard mabe
I am a Life Coach and Author form Reedville, Va. My books, HOPE , Your Essence Navigation System is a guide helping people to overcome their challenges and find the source of their essence in this life, their life purpose.