Facing Reality, Adapting to Your Environment, Owning a Business - Mind Over Matter #62

We had the honor of speaking with Vinnie this episode. I met Vinnie roughly a year ago and all I can say is this man spreads love. Constantly optimistic, while also struggling on his own, we dove into his business, adapting to what God wants, and facing reality. Thanks for coming on Vinnie!
Hononguard Coffee Co - https://honorguardcoffee.com/
Episode with the Owner of Honorguard
Our Links:
Trevor's Discord Name (Add as a Friend): MoM Trevor#1945
00:00 - Intro
09:30 - Who's Vinnie? / Owning a Business
15:30 - Moving back home to Mom and Dad's House
23:30 - Realizing Things Aren't Going Right / What People think about you
30:00 - People LOVE the TEA
43:00 - Mental Health and Business
55:00 - Taking Breaks... Feeling like a failure
01:07:00 - Mindset on VICES - Weed
01:17:00 - Final Question (A SURPRISE)