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ALL Episodes

March 25, 2024

Hypnotherapy + Addiction - Mind Over Matter #66

An incredible show with an even better guest. We dove deep on multiple topics, including psyops/hypnosis, drug addiction, support systems, self-belief, and faith. There's so much more in this episode, you don't want to miss it! Chapters will come soon Please enjoy this as much as I enjoyed record…

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March 18, 2024

H.O.P.E. w/ author Richard Mabe - Mind Over Matter #65

Richard Mabe lost his father at a young age to suicide, then later on he killed someone else in an automobile accident at 17, afterward he joined the Navy. His book "H.O.P.E. strives to help others through the struggles of li...

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Sept. 5, 2023

The Four M Methodology Created to Cure Depression with Dave Snell - M…

In this episode we had a retired naval officer explain the methodology he created to work through his depression, anxiety, and PTSD. We covered a variety of topics from drinking too much with NATO to solving our biggest issue...

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Aug. 7, 2023

Stop Getting Married! | 1SG Popp of Redonkulas Regiment Has Some Less…

If there's one thing we love, it's getting some lessons from older veterans. We were blessed enough to have retired 1SG Popp on to "spit some game", as we youngsters would say. As many of y'all know, we've had our ups and dow...

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June 19, 2023

Robin Malmasson | Vitality in Everyday Life - Mind Over Matter #43 (I…

To put it simply, Robin is a man to admire. He's currently living out in France, born and raised, and killing it as a holistic health practitioner. He recently joined Irrational Optimist and since he has brought nothing but F...

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June 11, 2023

Eugene Williams | PTSD from Prison (Our First Life Saved) - Mind Over…

There's very little I could say that would do this episode justice. Eugene spent 18 years in the Florida State Prison System and his ability to talk about it all is impeccable. After serving that long for something that seemingly wasn't his fault, he still took responsibility for everything.

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June 5, 2023

Karlee + Tommy | Understanding Biological Mental Health Deficiencies …

I’m not even sure what to say. First off, go join and meet the people there. Secondly, since this episode was recorded, Karlee has become a close friend of mine and we’ve continued our conversations ove...

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May 19, 2023

This Our Darkest Show Yet - Mind Over Matter #38 w. Shawn Laurie

When we started this podcast, we wanted to focus on one thing - Raw stories. No filter, just straight facts from real people. Shawn has some of the most authentic stories out there, and we were blown away by his openness. We hope people realize they're never alone, and never too far gone. Can't tha…

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Sept. 7, 2022

Mind Over Matter #19 w/ Steve - Suicide Prevention and A Positive Att…

This week's guest is @Steve_adventures_ ! We had an absolute blast of a time having him on the show to talk about his experiences. Thanks so much Steve for being willing to share. Be sure to give him a follow on instagram! ...

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July 12, 2022

Mind Over Matter #14 w/ JJ - Grieving, God, and Relationships

Episode 14 with our new friend JJ. Topics include our grieving processes, Our relationship(s) with higher powers, and relationships with regards to open relationships and whether they can work. Hope you all enjoy. Thank you t...

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July 7, 2022

Mind Over Matter #13 - Suicide, Suffering in Silence, and Highs and …

We both felt obligated to get this video recorded and posted quickly due to personal events. We hope everyone enjoys the video and hopefully you get something out of it. CHECK US OUT ON APPLE PODCASTS AND SPOTIFY NOW! Our Lin...

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